giovedì 27 maggio 2010

Triste annuncio - sad new

Inserisco i messaggi di solidarietà e condoglianze ricevuti dai miei cari amici del forum The Gear Page.
Enclosed all condolences message received by my dear friends at international forum The Gear Page.

As incredible as it can appear, between may 4th and 9th I lost both my parents.
My dad was 89 entered the hospital on april 27th.
Heart was going bad and pulmonary edema followed.
My mother at the moment was well, and aware that dad couldn’t make it this time.
Suddenly on may 4th even my mother started feeling bad and breathing badly.
we took her to the same hospital where my dad was, and at first emergency examination only a bronchitis was detected, but considering she was 85, they asked her to be hospitalized.
During emergency examination, i was informed that my father was dying and in a few minutes was pronounced dead.
During the night my mother conditions worsened, heart problems and pulmonary edema started for her too, and on may 9th she passed away.
both were cremated and burial, when both urns were reunited, happened on may 12th, their wedding anniversary. 56 years later.

my dad Enzo, born on august 16 1921
dead on may 4th 2010 at 7:15 p.m.

my mom Mayda, born on january 13 1925
dead on may 9th 2010 at 7:15 p.m.

married on may 12th 1956.
reunited forever on may 12th 2010.
Ciao papà ciao mamma.

thanks to all for your kind support.
just recently i've found a greeting wedding anniversary card from my dad to my mom, dated 2008, and he was jokingly asking her if she still remembered may 12th 1956, and they way they met for the first time, when my dad brought back to my mother a suitcase she forgot in a cab, and he closed the note saying he hoped to keep her company a little bit more...
a very romantic story.
they lived a long and good life together, and it seems they could not stay apart.
I've done my best for them, and I'll keep trying to do my best for my family.
it was hard for me. my dad already was not so well, but my mother health was good, and we were not ready, if ready we can ever be.
we were expecting some years more of life for my mom
I think that my parents are already together again.
I chose two great pictures of mom and dad to be put on their gravestone, I took those pictures in San Vincenzo beach, in Tuscany, on september 12th 1977, during a beatifull and windy day, full of sunshine, they were younger, smiling and looked very relaxed and glad.
I'll always remeber them this way.

To You all.
All you thoughts, prayers, feelings and caring words have been of great comfort for my family and me, and we want to thank you all.
All you wrote or eventually will, will be enclosed in a post on my blog, which is of course in italian.

Thanks to all.
Maurizio, Elena, Silvia, Sammy, Lorenzo


So sorry to hear that. You have my condolences.

My deepest condolences.

Sorry to hear of your lost. Amazing that it happen that way. 56 years a long time... And after that long, just 1 day away seems too long.

Thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

May they Rest In Peace! My condolences.

Very sorry for your loss. Take comfort in the fact that they are together forever now.

Sympathies to you and your family.

Sorry to hear. Be glad they led full and complete lives, and now they are together in a much deserved peaceful exsistance.

Condolences, Maurizio.

Maurizio, I'm so very sorry to hear that you have lost both your parents in such a short time. I'm sure it will take you a long time to accept this loss.
56 years - truly amazing. What a wonderful long marriage they had. They must have been two very special people and you will no doubt miss them terribly.
There is something sad yet romantic about their passing so close to each other, as if they were destined to never live without the other.
Cherish the time you had with them. My deepest sympathies to you.

I'm very sorry for your loss.
In a way, I wished that happened to my parents. My mom hasn't been happy without my father.

I am very sorry to hear of your loss Maurizio.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Very sad, and very beautiful. Condolences.

On the one hand, sorry for your loss and what that means to you; on the other what an amazing story; together for that long and to go out together. If I were to go that way I believe I would be happy. All the best and condolances.

Stay strong, Maurizio.
Best luck –Shreve

I'm sorry.
I hope this will not be misconstrued but I'd like to share some words from my dad's eulogy for my grandmother that have stuck with me: "When an elderly loved one dies who has lived a full life and left behind children and grandchildren, it is sad, but it is not a tragedy."
I would have loved to have met your parents, I'll bet they had many insights and tales to share. May their memories be a blessing to your family and you.

A sad but very touching story. Sorry for your loss.

Prayers and well wishes.

I'm sorry, Maurizio. That's a really tough one to deal with.

My condolances... i had a similar incident with an uncle and aunt
uncle passed away suddenly one day and my aunt 2 days later.. they too were inseparable in life...

Wow!!! How romantic and poignant. Best wishes and prayers sent.

I lost my parents 3 months apart back in 1991. (I was 22.) It was an unbelievable experience. I didn't talk about it at all for 10 years. I feel for you.
My condolences.

So sorry to hear of your loss Maurizio. I do think though that they were not meant to live without each other. My parents are 93 and 82 years old and have been married 62 years. I know that one of them will likely pass soon and I expect that the other would be very close behind. It's what I would wish for them, but that has nothing to do with your situation or your feelings in this difficult time. My sincere condolences to you and your family.

Sad & beautiful.

Very sorry to hear about your parents, Maurizio. It must be especially difficult to lose both practically simultaneously like that, and with your mom falling ill out of the blue! Best wishes for you and your family as you cope with this loss.
It sure sounds like they had a wonderful life together though, and they've obviously raised at least one loving son. In a way, I'd like to think we should all be as lucky as your parents. As time passes, I'm sure you'll be able to take great comfort in all the happy memories.
My wife is Italian and lost her mom last year (lost her dad before we started dating). I believe the phrase she used, and I hope I've got this right, was "A più tardi" which is more like "see you later" than goodbye (I hope). I feel like that's a nice sentiment at a time like this.

You have my deepest sympathies. It really does seem like they had such a wonderful and long time together, and I am of the belief that they are together even now. This is a beautiful grace, though unquestionably hard for you.
I'm sure you were a blessing to them, and I hope it is not too long until you can focus more on all the happy times you all spent together.
All the best,

my deepest condolences, maurizio.

So sorry for your loss.

Hang in there. I know you miss them.

How sad, yet what a love story. They were only separated for a few short days and are together again for eternity.Thoughts, prayers, and condolences to you and your family.

Very sorry. My condolences.

i'm very sorry for your loss. good thoughts and tons of mojo sent your way

Condoglianze. Dispiace per la tua perdita. Che Dio benedica voi e il vostro.
Sorry if my Italian is not very good. Ciao Maurizio.

I'm so sorry for your loss, Maurizio.
I trust you'll find peace and comfort during this time.

Truly a tough row to hoe. I can also truly empathize, my mom died two months ago tomorrow.

So sorry to hear of your losses...may they be forever together!

What an amazing thing - to be together so long. We can only hope to be as lucky as your parents. So sorry for your loss, M.

So sorry for your loss. Prayers and thoughts to your entire family.
As sad as it is, have peace knowing they are eternally together now.

It always hard to come up with something to say in these kinds of threads. Sorry for your loss just doesn't seem to quite do the situations justice. They were married for almost 60 years, I think that's beautiful.

Sorry to hear the news and best wishes during this difficult period of time.

Terribly sorry for your loss. RIP Mama and Papa.

My condolences. In a small way, I sort of understand how you feel. I lost my Dad last year, and my beloved mother in law 6 months later (she was diagnosed with cancer the week my father passed away).Time will lessen the pain, but you will never stop missing them...

so sorry for your losses.

My condolences.

Very sorry to hear this.

Really sad. I hope if my wife ever goes I go quick too!

You are right, you can never be ready for this. My Father passed away five years ago and I miss him and think of him always. So in reality, he is always with me and so it will be with you and your parents. Please allow me to extend my most profound condolences to you and your family.

Sorry about your loss.
On the other hand, what a great life, that much time together and die in the same month, still together. Celebrate their life and memory. And it will be a great romantic story that lasts a lifetime.
Lost my father a few years ago and he was alone, nowhere near happy and only 61. He'd sign up for a life such as your parents had.

I am sorry to this.
Sounds like you loved them very much.

domenica 9 maggio 2010

Triste annuncio

Mio padre di 89 anni e mia madre di 85 mi hanno lasciato improvvisamente e quasi in contemporanea. Mio papà è morto il 4 maggio alle 19:15 e mia madre oggi 9 maggio alla stessa ora.
Enzo & Mayda erano sposati dal 12 maggio 1956 e certamente hanno ritenuto opportuno andarsene insieme, quasi mano nella mano.

Ciao papà, ciao mamma.


lunedì 1 marzo 2010

Nuova intervista

Mi hanno intervistato gli amici di Scrittori d'Italia.
potete leggere qui.

Ekubombo...un grande!!!

Ragazzi, andate a vedervi
Ekubombo ha scritto un libro molto divertente:
Frittatona d’uovo pulcino…
…e bruciacchiati frammenti di boomerang.